Revenue Sales Leadership Signals

Who gets such signal
Triggered by significant shifts in estimated close dates, a Sales Director and a Manager can receive alerts when deals' close dates are moved. This proactive monitoring helps prevent deal delays, ensures accurate revenue forecasts, and maintains strong customer relationships

Leakage Monitoring

Sales Leadership

Sales Team Management

When a deal's projected close date is imminent, but the deal hasn't progressed sufficiently through the sales stages, a Sales Representative and, if criteria of interest are met, their respective Sales Director, can receive notifications. This ensures timely action, improving the likelihood of successful closures

Deal Risk Mitigation

Individual Contributors

Sales Leadership

Sales Team Management

This signal operates on a weekly basis, comparing real closures against projected figures. It equips the Sales Director and CRO with insights into pipeline health, guiding strategic decisions for sustainable progress


Forecast Accuracy

Sales Leadership

This signal generates a summary report of opportunities that were lost during the current fiscal period, offering insights into the number and potential value of lost deals


Leakage Monitoring

Sales Leadership

This signal generates a summary report of opportunities that have slipped from the pipeline within the current fiscal period, providing insights into the extent of deal delays and their potential impact


Pipeline Visibility and Transparency

Sales Leadership

Whenever a Sales Representative sends a post-meeting follow-up related to a flagged Salesforce item, a Sales Manager or Leader promptly receives an email summary. This keeps them well-informed about crucial deals and developments

Pipeline Visibility and Transparency

Sales Leadership

Sales Team Management
