We All Want Shorter Deal Cycles. Learn How Emerald Scientific Did It.

Revenue Deal Triage Signals

Who gets such signal
Be alerted when the amount of time and resources spent on a specific sales opportunity becomes disproportionate to its projected revenue. It focuses on Sales Representative and Manager's resource allocation and the best return on investment

Deal Triage

Individual Contributors

Sales Team Management

Management and Leadership may receive a signal when an opportunity moves out of the quarter. This assists in identifying and addressing issues that impact deal timelines, enhancing pipeline health, and supporting timely interventions

Deal Triage


Sales Leadership

Sales Team Management

When a deal is open for a set extended period of time, Sales Representative gets alerts to identify and address stalled deals, enhancing pipeline management. Sales Director can request to get this signal for oversight of specific deals

Deal Triage

Individual Contributors

Sales Team Management

If a deal's value drops and meets set criteria, alerts are triggered for a Sales Manager or a Sales director, if requested, aiding them in adapting strategies and resource allocation

Deal Triage


Sales Leadership

Sales Team Management
