
How Vapotherm saved 761 sales rep days with Revenue Grid

Vapotherm Inc. is a publicly held medical device manufacturer founded in 1999 and based in New Hampshire. Its breakthrough technology has changed the lives of over 1 million patients

  • 800,000
    Emails auto-captured and saved to Salesforce
  • $175,000
    Money saved in costs and expenses
  • 27,000
    Calendar events auto-captured and synced

Revenue Grid turned out to be of great help for our sales
reps, and lived up to our expectations in all respects



Vapotherm’s main requirements were to automate the logging of emails to Salesforce and to sync Salesforce and Outlook calendars. Logging thousands of emails manually wasted a lot of productive time; the same held true for managing calendar activities.

We needed great quality access to Salesforce data for field personnel, seamless integration with Office 365 and total mobility.

We received much-needed access to critical data while in the field.



With automatic data capture, reliable calendar sync, and a slew of email productivity features, Revenue Grid was a perfect fit for Vapotherm’s team. The team was able to fully customize the layout of the Inbox Sidebar to the needs of the field reps, allowing them to access and use the right customer data at the right moment.



With Revenue Grid, in just the first year Vapotherm auto-captured 110,000 emails and 27,000 calendar events. Based on their business data, the company saved 761 person-days that would have been otherwise wasted on manual data entry. This allowed Vapotherm to save over $175,000 in costs and expenses.

The guys from Revenue Grid made an enormous job easy synchronizing our vital data and allowing us to save all emails we needed

  • 761
    Person-days saved from manual data entry in the first year
  • $175,000
    Costs saved
  • 900%
    ROI achieved

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