We All Want Shorter Deal Cycles. Learn How Emerald Scientific Did It.

Welcome to the Summer ‘22 Release

Introducing the hottest Revenue Grid features and improvements this summer: official release of our executive-level
reports, actionable Revenue Signals in Microsoft Teams bot, A/B testing for effective sequence management, and much more

Introducing executive-level reports for data-driven decisions

These brand-new reports analyze revenue performance in real-time in one click. Reports are available out-of-the-box and allow sales leaders to make data-driven decisions, define revenue leaks, and coach reps.

  • New business opportunities created last month
  • Real-time statistics on lost and won opportunities
  • Stage-over-stage conversion rates within the pipeline
  • Conversion rate between stages in the pipeline for field sales teams

Launching brand-new Revenue Signals to boost your sales reps’ productivity

We’ve added brand new Signals to help your sales reps work more efficiently and
effectively than ever. Track changes in opportunities, react immediately, and never miss
any crucial step in the conversion process

More actionable Revenue Signals in Microsoft Teams

Receive alerts on required actions for your deals, update contact information, and react directly in the Microsoft Teams bot without opening Salesforce.

  • Update Salesforce directly in the Microsoft Teams Bot
  • Create custom Revenue Signals in the Microsoft Teams Bot
  • Assign Revenue Signals to your reps right from Microsoft Teams
  • Modify or resolve Signals within Microsoft Teams

New retrospective analysis for advanced pipeline management

As a sales manager, you can review committed opportunities per week, define close date shifts on key deals, and prioritize future activities on these deals for your sales reps.

  • Utilize the retro close date filter to analyze slipping opportunities
  • Compare changes in the forecast and commited pipeline to the past period
  • Know the amount and volume of opportunities from each lead source
  • Prioritize key steps on important deals

Brand new A/B testing for sequences

Test your messaging and optimize your email sequences to produce better results in future campaigns.

  • Use up to three different versions for each sequence or each step
  • Get a comparison table of the results
  • Automatically stop low-performing templates
  • Add the top-performing steps for all future sequences

Improved sequence management

Dynamically add sequence recipients from Salesforce campaigns, see the average performance statistics, and follow recommendations from your Sales Ops about the best sequences.

  • Add sequence recepients from Salesforce campaigns based on status
  • Export detailed statistics on sequences in CSV file
  • Check templates’ performance stats with advanced search filters (last use, time in use)
  • Utilize top-performing sequences based on Sales Ops’ recommendations

Usability and User Experience

Introducing the newest UI/UX improvements

Advanced search in Email Sidebar

You can now use various search tags and object types in the search field to find the required Salesforce object

Brand-new syncronization settings UI

We have completely redesigned our synchronization settings to make it easier to manage for your team

New Signals display in the Email Sidebar

We have added actions to manage and dismiss Revenue Signals right from the Email Sidebar

Introducing custom interactions for Sales Cloud or Financial Services Cloud

You can now have different team workflows in the same Salesforce Cloud. For example, one part of your team can use standard Salesforce objects (emails, events, opportunities) and the other part of the team – custom ones.

  • Replace standard Salesforce tasks (email, event) with custom ones
  • Link Salesforce tasks to custom objects according to your requirements
  • Activate synchronization for any type of Salesforce object including custom ones
  • Automatically sync and unify calendars between Salesforce and Outlook or Gmail for each part of the team

New way to book your meetings with Lightning Scheduler API

Using our API, you can now launch any custom scheduling scenario with Book Me or Time Slots for Lightning Scheduler.

  • Book meetings in Salesforce with custom-built external applications
  • Sync scheduled meetings between Salesforce, Outlook and Revenue Grid calendars
  • Schedule meetings in Microsoft Teams on behalf of internal organizer for multiple external attendees
  • Apply conversational intelligence to gather and analyze entire statistics for Microsoft Teams meetings