We All Want Shorter Deal Cycles. Learn How Emerald Scientific Did It.

Take Your Sales Game to a New Level

Work smarter and gain crystal-clear pipeline visibility with our latest AI and Signals enhancements

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At Revenue Grid, we’re constantly refining and enhancing our platform to give customers cutting-edge capabilities that take their sales efforts to new heights. Many new features we introduce are in response to customers’ feedback and requests, demonstrating our continued commitment to meeting users’ needs and helping them achieve revenue growth.

Our newest product upgrades, available now, feature AI and Signals enhancements designed to help sales and customer teams work smarter and more efficiently while giving sales and revenue leaders clearer pipeline visibility and more accurate forecasting. I’ve summarized these new capabilities below.

AI Opportunity Summary – Data-driven insights for every deal and action

Sales leaders and the C-suite can now receive immediate AI-generated summaries of sales opportunities, stating each prospect’s current status and identifying actionable steps for account executives to take to get more deals across the finish line.

By analyzing CRM data and communications for every opportunity, our AI Opportunity Summary provides regular synopses that give business leaders a clear understanding of what’s happening in the pipeline. As a result, organizations can increase efficiency and productivity while improving pipeline visibility and management.

AI Forecasting – Accurate, predictive forecasts based on current and historical data

Our machine learning models are trained on historical data, current pipeline metrics, and external factors to generate predictive forecasts and AI recommendations to address potential risks and improve forecasting accuracy. The AI forecasting capability comprises:

  • Historical Data Analysis: Considers historical sales data, win rates, and pipeline progression trends.
  • Current Pipeline Metrics: Analyzes real-time data like lead scores, deal stages, and sales activity levels.
  • AI Recommendations: Generates recommendations for proactive interventions to address potential risks and improve forecast accuracy, including what to remove, what to add and why.

Sales leaders and RevOps professionals benefit from receiving more intuitive and efficient analysis of forecast data, while enhancing communications and collaboration among stakeholders.

The AI Forecasting capability also allows teams to customize forecasting with personalized category names. This feature enables RevOps teams to adapt forecast categories to fit their unique terminology and methods to boost operational efficiency.

Signal Builder & Ready-to-Use Signals – Refines insights and accelerates ROI

With our new Signal Builder, sales and RevOps leaders can more easily create Signal rules. An enhanced interface means setting up custom notifications is now more intuitive than ever. Additionally, our updated Signals library now features Ready-to-Use Signals, giving new Revenue Grid customers an expanded collection of Signals to enable actionable insights from day one.

We also now offer customized notification delivery, allowing users to choose their preferred channels to ensure they receive signal alerts and notifications in a timely manner.

These combined new enhancements help streamline workflows and enable companies to capture ROI from Revenue Grid more quickly.

Reminder: Lightning Out delivers customized workflows for Salesforce integrations

While our Lightning Out capability is not new (we announced this in Winter 2023), we want to remind customers that it’s available, as it continues to be in high demand among our user community.

Lightning Out streamlines the integration of Salesforce functionalities into external web pages or applications and extends our Sidebar, automating direct data input into Salesforce from Gmail or Outlook.​ This feature gives users greater flexibility for their Salesforce customizations and extends functionality beyond its usual boundaries so users can visualize business processes in whatever environment they’re in.​ Additionally, Lightning Out simplifies workflows by removing the need to shift between tabs and consolidating everything in one window. Lightning Out saves time, reduces confusion, requires minimal training, and boosts data quality.​

To learn more about these and other innovative Revenue Grid features, or to schedule a demo, contact us here.
