We All Want Shorter Deal Cycles. Learn How Emerald Scientific Did It.

Welcome to the Winter ‘21 Release

From self-service Signals to accessible automation, Account management, and a control center for your meeting
recordings, this release is all about you. Have a look, this gift bag of a release is stuffed with big features

Revenue Signals

Introducing the latest Revenue Signals

Here’s a new batch of alerts and automations to keep your deals moving at top speed and
minimize time spent on routine tasks


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Revenue Signals

Self-service Revenue Signals

You can now create your own opportunity-related Signals in seconds, right from Opportunities

  • Assign to anyone involved in the opportunity
  • Downgrade opportunity status for important tasks
  • Set status to return to normal upon completion
  • Create tasks on the go from the mobile app


Conversational Intelligence

Control center for meeting recordings

Handling your recorded GoToMeeting and Zoom meetings just got much simpler. All recordings are now organized on the Recordings dashboard

  • Find recordings easily with search and filters
  • Select a recording to watch or access Conversational Intelligence
  • View transcripts, keywords, topics, and action items
  • Create Signals based on topics or keywords
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Account Management

Revenue Grid for Customer Success

Great news for CSM and account managers, Accounts now get all the visibility that Revenue Grid provides for Opportunities

  • Search or filter to find Accounts quickly
  • View useful widgets right from the Accounts dashboard
  • See what’s been done and what’s planned for each account
  • Dive in to find the activities timeline and relationship intelligence
Pipeline Management

Accessible opportunity information

Filter according to your structure

Filter Opportunities by region, account size, product line, or other division to quickly find that team’s deals

One-click opportunity updates

Edit any field from the Pipeline or Opportunity view without diving into edit menus, Salesforce is updated with your changes in real-time

Deeper drill down

Open and read emails related to an opportunity right from Activity Trends to get more context

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Accessible Automation

Unlimited sales tech automation

Triggering outreach-related actions in linked apps has never been easier, status
mappings now have a simple GUI so that anyone can make them

  • Link any engagement status to any attribute in Salesforce
  • Set Salesforce fields to change when engagement status changes
  • Update multiple fields or statuses at once
  • Create custom engagement statuses to meet your unique needs

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Improved onboarding for new users

User Onboarding

Improved onboarding for new users

New users no longer log in to an empty planner. Ramp reps into outreach easier with helpful directions and examples of successful sequences and possible failure points

  • Welcome emails
  • Test contacts
  • Pre-made test sequences
  • Default signatures
Outreach Functionality

Improved and expanded outreach possibilities

Next-gen personalization of emails

If/then logic has been added to merge fields, so that emails aren’t sent with missing fields

Call Again Later option

Didn’t get through the first time? Now you can log exactly what happened on each call to Salesforce and automatically insert another attempt into your sequence

New SMS providers

Twilio and SMS360 have been added as options for automated SMS distribution



A streamlined sequence experience

Denylists for importing to sequences

Domains can now be excluded when adding leads to a sequence to avoid certain accounts

Quick sorting

Sequences can now be sorted by any column to quickly find the best-performing, largest, or newest campaigns

Improved Sequences View

Archived sequences are now automatically hidden from the main sequence list


img-A streamlined sequence experience


Revenue Signals from your inbox

Track booking link opens

Track the performance of your organization’s Book Me links to improve scheduling

Signals in the email sidebar

Check your Revenue Signals right from your inbox, Signals are now available in your email sidebar in Outlook or Gmail

Upgraded email tracking

Revenue Grid can now detect special events like when an email is opened repeatedly or after a long period of time

img-Revenue Signals from your inbox


Better scheduling

Custom book me hyperlinks

Select the text in your email that you want to hyperlink to your booking page or use the default link

Additional booking fields

Ask for phone numbers or additional information when clients or prospects book a meeting

Improved UI

Your Book Me calendar now only displays your working hours instead of starting at midnight

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User Experience

A better experience for all

Language options

Dutch, Japanese, and Chinese have been added as language options for the user interface

Request a feature

You can now submit your feature requests from the About section in the email sidebar menu

Wording changes

Revenue Grid no longer uses “blacklists” and “whitelists”, use blocklists to exclude and allowlists to allow
