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10 Sales books all beginner sales reps should read to level up selling skills

Ready to level up your sales skills? Check out these 10 must-read books!

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Sales is an essential aspect of any business, and mastering the art of selling is critical to achieving success.

Fortunately, there are many great sales books available that can help you improve your sales skills. Here are 12 of the best sales books you should know.

1. “To Sell Is Human” by Daniel H. Pink: A Book About How to Persuade and Influencer Others Effectively


“To Sell Is Human” by Daniel H. Pink is a book that explores the idea that everyone is in sales. Pink argues that in today’s society, we’re all selling something, whether it’s a product, an idea, or ourselves. The book provides insights, strategies, and tips to help you become more effective at persuading and influencing others.

“To Sell Is Human” includes three main parts:

  • Part one introduces the concept of “non-sales selling.” Pink asserts that we spend a significant amount of our time persuading, convincing, and influencing others.
  • Part two focuses on the essential qualities of compelling non-sales selling: Attunement, Buoyancy, and Clarity. Attunement is the ability to understand others’ perspectives, Buoyancy is the ability to stay afloat in the face of rejection, and Clarity is the ability to simplify and clarify complex ideas.
  • Part three offers practical tips and techniques for implementing the ideas, including ways to reframe the situation, ask better questions, and use storytelling to influence others.

2. “The Challenger Sale” by Brent Adamson and Matthew Dixon: A Book About How to Approach Selling in the Modern World


“The Challenger Sale” challenges traditional sales techniques by advocating for a more consultative, challenging approach. The authors outline a process for identifying and engaging with customers who are more likely to make large purchases. This book is helpful to salespeople as it offers a unique perspective on how to approach selling in today’s complex and competitive market.

According to this book, the traditional approach to selling, which focuses on building relationships with customers and offering solutions to their problems, is no longer enough to be successful. Instead, salespeople need to become “challengers” who challenge their customers’ thinking and push them out of their comfort zones.

  • Teaching: Challengers are skilled at bringing new and valuable insights to their customers, helping them see their problems and opportunities in a new light.
  • Tailoring: Challengers customize their sales approach to each customer’s needs and preferences rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Taking control: Challengers are confident and assertive, taking control of the sales conversation and guiding the customer towards a decision.

3. “The Psychology of Selling” by Brian Tracy: One of the Most Classic Books About Selling


“The Psychology of Selling” by Brian Tracy is a classic in the sales world, and for a good reason. It explores the psychology behind the selling process and provides practical advice for building rapport with customers, handling objections, and closing deals.

This book covers many topics, including self-confidence and positive thinking, the power of suggestion and persuasion, the role of emotions in the buying process, and the importance of developing solid relationships with customers.

4. “SPIN Selling” by Neil Rackham: A Book About Customer-Centric Selling


“SPIN Selling” by Neil Rackham provides sales reps with a structured approach to selling based on research and data.

The SPIN framework, which stands for Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff, is a powerful tool that helps salespeople uncover customer needs and pain points and then present a solution that addresses those needs.

In addition, the book also covers topics such as how to handle objections, how to close the sale, and how to manage a sales team effectively.

5. “The Art of Closing the Sale” by Brian Tracy: A Comprehensive Guide to Closing Deals


Closing a sale is often the most difficult part of the process. But the book, “The Art of Closing the Sale” by Brian Tracy, will give you actionable tips to negotiate and follow up with customers.

Overall, this book:

  • Provides effective sales techniques: It offers practical tips and techniques to close sales effectively. It includes strategies for building rapport with customers, handling objections, and identifying buying signals.
  • Covers different types of sales: It covers a range of sales scenarios, including face-to-face sales, telemarketing, and online sales. This makes it relevant to salespeople working in different industries and contexts.
  • Emphasizes the importance of preparation: It highlights the importance of thorough preparation, from researching the customer to practising the sales pitch. You’ll feel more confident and prepared when they enter a sales conversation.
  • Offers motivation and inspiration: It includes motivational stories and examples of successful salespeople, which can inspire and encourage you to keep striving for success.

6. “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie: An Essential Guide for Successful Selling


“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie teaches you valuable communication skills. You need to communicate effectively with potential customers to understand their needs, build rapport, and ultimately close the sale. You need to listen actively and speak clearly.

This book also teaches you how to be more empathetic and understanding toward others. You’ll learn to stay motivated, develop a positive attitude, and focus on goals.

7. “Little Red Book of Selling” by Jeffrey Gitomer: How to Accelerate Your Career in Sales


“The Little Red Book of Selling” provides salespeople with the tools and techniques to succeed in their profession.

Here are some reasons why the book is helpful:

  • It’s filled with practical advice and strategies that salespeople can immediately put into practice. The tips are presented clearly and concisely, making them easy to understand and apply.
  • It encourages you to build your personal brand, which can help you stand out in a competitive marketplace. You’ll understand how to create a unique selling proposition, develop a robust online presence, and use social media to connect with customers.
  • It includes real-life examples and anecdotes, making it engaging and relatable.

8. “Cracking the Sales Management Code” by Jason Jordan and Michelle Vazzana: A Practical Framework for Managing Sales Process


The book “Cracking the Sales Management Code” by Jason Jordan and Michelle Vazzana teaches you how to improve sales performance by measuring and managing sales activities and behaviors. It covers topics such as setting objectives, defining metrics, and creating a sales dashboard that provides real-time visibility into sales performance.

By following the guidance in the book, you can gain insights into how your actions and behaviors impact your sales results. Sales managers can use the information to coach and motivate their teams to improve performance.

9. “The Sales Acceleration Formula” by Mark Roberge: A Must-read for Anyone Interested in Leveraging Data and Technology in Sales


Roberge is a successful entrepreneur who has led sales teams at several high-growth companies. In “The Sales Acceleration Formula” book, he shares his experience and insights on how to drive revenue growth through data-driven sales strategies and processes.

One of the key takeaways from the book is Roberge’s “Sales Acceleration Formula,” which consists of four key elements: hiring, training, process, and technology. Roberge argues that to build a successful sales organization, you need to focus on each of these elements and optimize them for your specific business.

Additionally, this book shows you the importance of developing a sales process based on data and analytics. By tracking key metrics such as conversion rates and customer acquisition costs, you can identify areas for improvement and maximize your sales process over time.

10. “Fanatical Prospecting” by Jeb Blount: An Unmissable Guide to Prospecting


“Fanatical Prospecting” by Jeb Blount covers various prospecting methods, including cold calling, email marketing, social media, and referrals. It also provides tips on creating a prospecting plan and tracking and measuring your results.

The book emphasizes the importance of having a positive mindset and a strong work ethic when prospecting. It encourages salespeople to be persistent, disciplined, and focused on their goals, even when faced with rejection or setbacks.

We hope these 12 sales books provide invaluable insights and strategies for improving your team’s sales performance. Check them out now and apply the insights you learn to your business.

Core UX Writer at Booking.com

Lavender Nguyen is a Freelance Content Writer focusing on writing well-researched, data-driven content for B2B commerce, retail, marketing, and SaaS companies. Also known as an Email Marketing Specialist, she helps ecommerce B2C brands develop high-converting, customer-focused email strategies.
