Revenue Intelligence Buyer’s Guide: Key Features, Integration Overview, and ROI

By Tara Pawlak

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Understand the important features you need to win more deals – and how to measure ROI.

Our final stops on the Revenue Intelligence Buyer’s Journey include an overview of the must-have features and functionality that will give more power to your sales team to close more deals, along with an overview of the many integrations your revenue intelligence platform should offer (based on what’s relevant to your organization). Additionally, we offer a guide to measuring your success with revenue intelligence, and how to calculate the ROI.

Important Features & Functionality + Integration Overview

While the earlier Buyer’s Guide elements discussed how advanced technologies like AI and automation can boost sales efficiencies, enable clear pipeline visibility, and provide actionable insights to win more deals, you may now be asking How do we determine the right solution for our needs? AI-powered revenue intelligence is quickly becoming a valuable solution to fuel an organization’s revenue velocity – but not all platforms are created equal.

Our fourth piece will cover the Important Features & Functionality you need to consider, as well as an Integration Overview to help you assess how the platform blends with your existing tech stack. (Involving your IT team in this process will be useful.)

Metrics for Success: The ROI on Revenue Intelligence

Revenue intelligence can deliver a fairly quick return, depending on how it’s deployed and what sales and revenue systems and processes it touches. Every company’s ROI experience and expectations will vary, but the overarching goal of any technology investment is to capture ROI as quickly as possible.

So how do you measure the quantifiable (and qualifiable) improvements a revenue intelligence platform enables? This piece – our fifth and final piece of the Buyer’s Guide – walks you through various calculations, looking at three areas of the business:

  1. Revenue generation & growth
  2. Operational efficiencies
  3. Business performance

If you haven’t already, download the Buyer’s Guide to immediately receive the first piece in your email inbox. You’ll receive a new piece of content each week – five pieces total, including:

  1. Trends in RevOps – The Rise of AI in RevOps: Transforming Sales Automation for Growth
  2. Identifying and Involving Stakeholders
  3. The Business Case for Revenue Intelligence
  4. Important Features and Functionality + Integration Overview
  5. Evaluating Your Success: Key Metrics

Our Buyer’s Guide aims to help you navigate the myriad challenges to address, questions to answer, and decisions to make to find the right solution.

Get your copy today!
