Revenue Intelligence Buyer’s Guide: Identifying Important Stakeholders

By Tara Pawlak

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In business, most projects are a team effort. That’s also true when it comes to evaluating new software and technologies, particularly those that impact multiple areas of the business. Revenue intelligence is no exception.

When it comes to choosing the right revenue intelligence, multiple stakeholders should be involved in the evaluation process. These can include:

  • Sales leadership – CRO, VP of Sales, Sales Manager, etc.
  • Finance leadership – CFO
  • IT
  • End users – sales reps
  • Executive leadership – CEO, COO, etc.
  • Marketing
  • Customer success

What matters to each stakeholder will be slightly different, so it’s important to understand what each person (or department) is most interested in and how the revenue intelligence platform meets their needs.

The third piece in our Revenue Intelligence Buyer’s Guide is a short video series featuring our own John-Paul Sansone, who, with 16 years of B2B sales under his belt, discusses the different stakeholders involved and their areas of concern and interest. He also offers a few tips for making a strong pitch to each internal team.

For example, when it comes to the end users, or sales reps, JP says what they’re most interested in is the ease of use, how well it integrates with their daily workflow, and how it helps them achieve their sales targets and improve performance. As for the C-suite, they want to ensure that the tool aligns with the company’s overall strategy – both over the short-term and long-term.


If you haven’t already, download the Buyer’s Guide to receive the first piece in your email inbox – Trends in RevOps. You’ll then receive a new piece of content each week with five pieces total, including JP’s video discussion about involving stakeholders.

In total, the Revenue Intelligence Buyer’s Guide includes:

  1. Trends in RevOps – The Rise of AI in RevOps: Transforming Sales Automation for Growth
  2. The Business Case for Revenue Intelligence
  3. Identifying and Involving Stakeholders
  4. Important Features and Functionality + Integration Overview
  5. Evaluating Your Success: Key Metrics

Get your copy today!
