Nine of the best apps for salesmen in any business

You need these nine best apps for salespeople to succeed in sales.

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Are you astounded by the amazing amount of apps for salespeople? With so much variety it can be difficult to choose which to use and which you should avoid. What is absolutely certain is that the modern sales professional requires a wide array of apps for various needs.

The best apps for salesmen is an inherently subjective issue, after all, we all have our personal preferences. Some apps will also be more suitable for some industries whereas others cannot be applied in certain situations. With that being said there are some apps which have wide applicability and can be used by any sales person working in any industry.

Whatsapp for sales and more

Whatsapp is one of these apps and it is joined by eight others that can be used in any sales business. They all have specific uses whether that be emailing, messaging etc, and all have a proven track record of success. Let’s dive in and take a look at which apps made our shortlist.


Given it’s massive popularity it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Whatsapp appears in this list. It’s free to use and allows you to make calls from anywhere you like. Whatsapp’s design is intuitive, and can also be used on desktops and laptop computers as well as on cell phones.

Whatsapp is great at allowing you to maintain communication with your clients around the world. It’s best applied for one-to-one messaging and video calls, as well as group chats with specific interest groups you can set up. Also, the app is encrypted so you can feel rest assured that your information is safe from hackers.


Every salesperson needs an email address and Gmail is the best system you can use. Since its launch Gmail has become the industry standard for both business and personal emails. This is thanks to both Gmail’s essential email system as well as its additional features.

Gmail comes with a dedicated video calling app and a calendar that integrates with your emails. You also have access to Google Docs which allows you to create content and collaborate with your colleagues online. This last feature is perhaps Gmail’s best attribute for salespeople as it allows them to work on the go.


Plenty of salespeople continue to take down notes the old fashioned way with a pen and paper but you should use an app instead. This will ensure you’re less likely to mislay information and it also allows you to share notes quickly. The best note taking app you can use right now is Evernote.

Evernote allows you to take down notes and share them quickly with your colleagues. You can also use Evernote to record other forms of multimedia too like audio and video. This makes it one of the best apps for salesmen currently out there.


LinkedIn is absolutely essentially for any salesperson and if this is news to you then you’re probably in the wrong industry. LinkedIn makes every aspect of the sales pipeline so much easier. Where a lot of salespeople go wrong is only using LinkedIn on their desktop computers.

You need to make sure you download the app for your smartphone. You should also consider investing in LinkedIn’s specialised tools like Sales Navigator or one of LinkedIn’s paid premium services. Whichever version you use just make sure you use it regularly, ideally at least once a day.


Where Whatsapp for salesmen is one of the best messaging apps out there it’s best to use it for one-on-one communication or personalised group chats. You should also be using a messaging app dedicated to your team. The best app you can use in this regard is Slack.

Slack allows you to separate your personal messaging from internal business communication. Available on both your cell phone and on desktop, Slack allows you to set up multiple channels and create groups for your whole team. You can also customize user profiles and vocabulary making it very useful in a variety of industries.


Gmail allows you to store work documents but sometimes you will find that you need more storage space. This is especially true for salespeople working with multimedia content like videos. Therefore you should sign up to Dropbox as it’s one of the best storage apps around.

Dropbox has oodles of storage space for your content. Also, the app allows you to store information and content with in built security that helps prevent hacking attacks or information breaches. This, combined with the ability to create content within the app, makes Dropbox one of the best apps for salesmen.


Right now many of us are not checking the news as often as we should because let’s face it, it’s pretty depressing. It’s hard to engage with something when it’s constantly negative but the news is important. Therefore you should download the Feedly app and create your own personalised news stream.

Feedly is an RSS app that allows you to search for and organise news sources according to your interests. Instead of just being bombarded with stories you’re not interested in, Feedly let’s you get specific. This is particularly useful for business news, so make sure you get an account to stay on top of the latest developments.


Salespeople are great at generating cash but many aren’t the best at managing it. A lot of companies can’t afford a full time accountant and the self-employed frequently can’t either. Therefore it’s crucially important to use a decent accounting app like Xero.

Xero allows you to collect all your receipts, expenses, reports, invoices and more in one place where it’s easy to manage them. This ensures you don’t get overwhelmed by mountains of paperwork leaving you to get on with the real business of sales. We cannot overemphasize the importance of good accounting so make sure you get this app for salespeople.

Revenue Engage

Every sales business needs a CRM tool that keeps its customers engaged. Ideally, this tool should be powered by AI technology and cover every aspect of the sales pipeline process. If you want your open rates to turn into something more substantive then Revenue Engage is the app for you.

This innovative CRM processes all the information you need to keep your customers engaged and wanting more. You can set up smart schedules, mix manual and automated steps to create a personalized experience and collaborate on sequences in real time. Revenue Engage integrates with the company’s other apps like Revenue Inbox too so it’s a wise investment for long term success.

These nine apps will propel your sales forward if you use them correctly in tandem with one another. Remember, it’s better to find niche apps for specific functions rather than using a broad strokes catch all system. These nine truly are the best apps for salesmen and we’re certain they’ll assist you.

Let us know how you get on with using these apps and let us know if you would add any to our list. Keep following our blog for the latest sales and business content as we continue to upload new articles. Make sure you don’t forget to like and subscribe to our social media pages either.
