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How to use AI for sales to maximize revenue: Unleashing Generative Signals

Revolutionize your sales strategy and elevate revenue with AI-powered guidance.

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Thriving in the fast-paced world of B2B sales means adapting quickly to its ever-changing landscape. While competition intensifies and market dynamics continuously evolve, today’s customers have become more discerning and well-informed than ever before. As a result, achieving significant revenue growth has become an ambitious endeavor.

To navigate these challenges, businesses are increasingly turning to technology, and sales teams are leading the charge as early adopters. Among the cutting-edge solutions, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a standout choice, particularly with the recent surge in generative AI, which uses advanced generative models to create various forms of media.

In this post, we’ll delve into the significance of artificial intelligence in sales, unpack its potential, and shed light on how it can empower sales teams to drive revenue. Specifically, we’ll explore how Revenue Grid leverages AI through its Generative Signals feature to enhance sales performance.

Now that we’ve introduced the concept of artificial intelligence in sales, let’s explore what it means in practice.

What is AI in sales?

AI in sales is all about using smart algorithms and powerful analytical tools to automate and refine sales processes so that sales teams spend less time on routine tasks and more time doing what they do best: selling.

AI transforms data into actionable insights that provide a clear picture of the sales pipeline. This empowers sales teams to make informed decisions and respond promptly to changes in the landscape, which can minimize the risk of deals being lost.

How to use artificial intelligence for sales

AI has the potential to revolutionize sales processes. It offers numerous advantages for sales teams, from sales process improvement to overcoming challenges and enhancing overall performance.

Some of the sales use cases for AI include:

  • segmenting customers based on behavior, demographics, and preferences
  • assessing leads for their likelihood to convert
  • using historical data to predict future sales trends and customer behavior
  • crafting personalized messages designed to boost customer engagement
  • conducting in-depth analyses for precise sales forecasts
  • identifying bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the sales process and recommending enhancements to achieve a sales boost and make operations smoother.

The power of AI in elevating revenue

Artificial intelligence emerges as the linchpin that helps sales teams navigate the intricate twists and turns of today’s sales landscape. It’s a game-changer, revolutionizing sales strategies, streamlining operations, and, most importantly, elevating revenue. 87% of organizations see AI and machine learning as pivotal for revenue growth.

This surge in interest has paved the way for advancements like generative AI, which promises even greater potential for sales efficiency.

Generative AI: The future of AI in sales

Generative AI represents the cutting edge of artificial intelligence. Based on the data it’s trained on, it creates diverse forms of content – from images and videos to written text and even code – autonomously.

Generative AI has the power to impact various industries, from IT to marketing, customer service and sales. Its popularity is on the rise and is estimated to keep growing. According to Forrester, we can expect generative AI to grow by 36% annually until 2030. This means it could soon make up over half of the AI software market.

Salesforce highlights that 61% of sales professionals believe that generative AI will enhance customer service and sales efficiency. Among those already using it, 84% report increased sales through accelerated and enhanced customer interactions.

Introducing Generative Signals: Your AI-powered sales ally

Revenue Grid recently introduced Generative Signals as a feature of its Sales Intelligence Engine, an advanced suite of AI-driven capabilities designed to enhance B2B sales strategies.

Drawing from accurate data captured from CRM software and other customer channels, Generative Signals identifies winning customer engagement patterns. It also provides real-time, contextual notifications to steer revenue professionals in the right direction during critical moments.

Generative Signals is a tool that helps sales teams see the full picture of their sales process, make informed decisions, optimize strategies, and identify revenue potential. Let’s take a closer look at what the feature can do.

Generative Signals in action

Delivering data-driven insights every step of the way

Get data-driven insights every step of the way

Generative Signals stands as your sales team’s reliable partner in achieving success. It analyzes customer data, finds winning strategies, and offers instant, data-backed advice to help sales teams make informed decisions.

Gartner states that by 2026, 65% of B2B sales organizations will shift from relying on intuition to making data-based decisions. They will do this by employing technology that integrates workflow, data, and analytics.

Revenue Grid’s Generative Signals empowers data-driven decision-making – paving the way for reliable and highly effective sales strategies – through the following features:

Opportunity summaries: Clear summaries of what’s going on with your sales opportunities through advanced analysis of your CRM data.

Deal status updates: Automatic AI-based insights to help sales teams move deals smoothly and efficiently through the pipeline.

Real-time guidance: Actionable insights that align your strategies with proven success patterns to provide timely advice and tactical suggestions.

Creating a dynamic playbook automatically for each deal

Create a dynamic playbook automatically for each deal

Generative Signals creates a dynamic playbook for every deal in your CRM. It detects crucial information such as the most winning customer segment, the customers with the highest engagement rate, and the persona with the highest close rate. The tool also engages in the sales process to ensure that necessary actions are taken. This significantly reduces the need for manual involvement, which helps to safeguard against missed opportunities.

Automation is one of the key benefits of Generative AI to sales teams. According to a recent McKinsey report, Generative AI could potentially automate tasks that currently occupy up to 70% of work hours. Generative Signals automates playbook creation in Revenue Grid through the following features:

Alerts on deals at risk: Instant notifications about deals showing signs of becoming stagnant or at risk to prompt immediate action.

Opportunity notifications: Real-time updates on crucial shifts in the status of deals to help sales teams respond with agility.

Member-based Signal assignment: Signals – contextual and real-time alerts that provide guidance to sales teams– can be assigned to specific team members. This ensures the right action is taken by the right person at the right time.

Guiding the sales process with actionable AI insights

Given its ability to transform data into actionable insights, AI presents guided selling as one of its primary advantages. Guided selling is a seller-centric process designed to lead sellers through the entire sales cycle for faster and more efficient deal closure. Gartner predicts that by 2025, 75% of B2B sales organizations will have augmented traditional sales playbooks with AI-guided selling solutions. This indicates that companies are recognizing the value of data-driven approaches over relying solely on intuition for more effective sales cycle management.

Revenue Grid’s Generative Signals enables sales leaders to guide their teams through the sales process every step of the way. This facilitates personalized coaching for each sales member, which is not always easy to achieve through traditional coaching methods. According to Salesforce, while 81% of sales professionals agree that they receive valuable coaching from their leaders, only 26% of salespeople receive personalized coaching weekly.

Generative Signals automates coaching through AI-powered guidance and ensures continuous performance improvement through advanced reporting features. The Signals Report shows how your team interacts with their Signals. This provides proactive data-driven tools for coaching meetings and strategy execution, which you can use to align your team’s actions with your business objectives.

Generative Signals offers AI-based guided selling through the following features:

Customizable coaching: Tailored coaching recommendations for individual sales team members to support performance improvement.

Advanced performance overview: Immediate access to real-time Signals performance data, with the option to adjust Signals dynamically for optimal performance.

Understanding of team interactions: Insights into how the sales team engages with their Signals to enable more efficient communication strategies.

Next steps: Integrating sales AI into your business strategy

As AI technology continues to advance, leveraging its benefits becomes increasingly crucial. With AI in sales, you can enhance efficiency through automation and gain a comprehensive view of your pipeline. While real-time AI alerts you to changes in your sales process and allows you to respond promptly, AI-guided selling supports continuous progress for your sales team.

Collectively, these advantages can contribute to a significant boost in sales revenue. Recent research indicates that companies that currently invest in AI are experiencing a revenue uplift of 3%-15%, and a sales ROI uplift of 10%-20%.

If you’re at the beginning of your AI journey in sales, it’s a good idea to start by defining your business goals and specifying the outcomes you aim to achieve with your AI investment. You can then delve into the market of AI sales tools. Examine each option thoroughly to determine whether it aligns with your defined objectives before making your selection. This strategic approach should help to ensure that your AI integration will meet your unique business needs and have the desired impact on your sales process.

Ready to dive in with Generative Signals?

Are you ready to revolutionize your sales strategy and elevate revenue with the power of sales AI? Discover how Generative Signals can empower your sales team with real-time alerts, dynamic playbooks, and actionable data-backed insights – all of which are essential components of AI-powered guidance.

Hilal Bakanay
Senior Content Writer

With over a decade of experience in B2B tech marketing, Hilal is a content writer specializing in consumer technologies like artificial intelligence, natural language processing, conversational AI, and augmented reality. As the co-founder of Why Not Labs, an indie mobile game studio, she also shares insights on mobile game marketing, particularly in the hybrid casual and hyper casual genres.
