Revenue Intelligence Buyer’s Guide: The Business Case for Revenue Intelligence and Trends in RevOps

By Tara Pawlak

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Gain insights into RevOps trends and the business value of revenue intelligence.

If your sales and revenue efforts feel stagnant or less than stellar, you may be considering different technologies to give your team a boost. Revenue intelligence can be exactly what you need, capturing all activity data, delivering AI-powered, actionable insights, and providing pipeline visibility and forecasting accuracy that far exceeds your current capacity. These capabilities are foundational to stretching and reaching revenue goals that can amount to market leadership.

To help guide your Revenue Intelligence evaluation and selection, we offer you our Revenue Intelligence Buyer’s Guide, a toolkit of bite-sized pieces to help you cut through the industry noise and focus on what matters: sales and revenue growth.

The first such pieces cover Trends in RevOps – The Rise of AI in RevOps: Transforming Sales Automation for Growth, and The Business Case for Revenue Intelligence. Here’s what you can expect from this content.

Trends in RevOps – The Rise of AI in RevOps: Transforming Sales Automation for Growth

RevOps is constantly evolving, influenced by technological advancements and dynamic markets. This report delves into current RevOps trends, highlighting how AI and automation are revolutionizing sales processes (as shown in the chart below), the consolidation of sales tech stacks, the transformation of CRM into actionable systems, and the need for data privacy and security.

Old Way – Manual (Hours)

New Way – AI & Automation (Minutes)

Data entry

Real-time data sync and capture

Calendar entry

Calendar sync

Lead qualification

Automated lead scoring and sequencing


This first piece in our Buyer’s Guide explores future directions of RevOps, emphasizing the role of AI, importance of holistic data integration, and ongoing optimization of tech stacks. We also discuss how once manual, arduous tasks are being replaced by

The Business Case for Revenue Intelligence

This report discusses the myriad reasons for the continued expansion of revenue intelligence in B2B sales organizations, defined by Gartner as:

“Revenue intelligence improves seller effectiveness by reducing the burden of CRM data entry and guiding sellers on how to best engage with customers. Revenue intelligence uses AI and advanced analytics to amplify the value of commercial data, accelerate sales cycles and increase success rates at all stages of the revenue process.”

This second piece in our guide addresses sales and revenue teams’ four common pain points: data accuracy, real-time insights, sales efficiencies, and security & compliance, describing the benefits of Revenue Intelligence in addressing each.

Download the Buyer’s Guide to immediately receive the first piece in your email inbox. You’ll receive a new piece of content each week – five pieces total. Our Buyer’s Guide aims to help you navigate the myriad challenges to address, questions to answer, and decisions to make to find the right solution.

Specifically, the Revenue Intelligence Buyer’s Guide includes:

  1. Trends in RevOps – The Rise of AI in RevOps: Transforming Sales Automation for Growth
  2. Identifying and Involving Stakeholders
  3. The Business Case for Revenue Intelligence
  4. Important Features and Functionality + Integration Overview
  5. Evaluating Your Success: Key Metrics

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