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Weekly summary of closed opportunities and forecast

Signal description

This signal provides a weekly summary of closed opportunities and a "best case" pipeline forecast, offering insights into closed opportunities and revenue potential.

How organizations use it

Receive a comprehensive report every week that encapsulates both achieved milestones and forthcoming opportunities. This feature presents a consolidated overview of opportunities that were successfully closed and offers a predictive forecast for the week ahead. For instance, visualize accessing a breakdown of opportunities closed during the past week, complete with insights into the contributing factors that led to their successful conclusion. Additionally, anticipate the potential revenue stream by exploring the forecasted opportunities lined up for the upcoming week, empowering you to allocate resources effectively.

Why organizations use it

  • to inform leadership about closed opportunities with a comprehensive summary
  • to strategize for the remaining part of the quarter

Configurable parameters

  • When this signal is sent

How the signal looks

In Revenue Grid Action Center:

In your Teams Revenue Grid Channel:

Return to Signal Library
