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Revenue Grid integrates with Salesforce Genie Customer Data Cloud to bring a magical experience to sales teams

Revenue Grid, a Revenue Intelligence platform that automatically captures sales activities to help you identify and fix revenue leaks, is integrating with Salesforce Genie, the real-time Customer Data Service, to help sales teams instantly bring an unprecedented level of personalization to their customers with actionable Revenue Signals.

Salesforce Genie integrates data from every step of the customer experience into a unified customer profile record. Analyzing these data in real-time, Revenue Grid creates contextual and actionable AI-driven Revenue Signals to empower sales teams in their communication with customers.

Revenue Grid and Salesforce Genie have created a unique platform for actionable Revenue Signals within the Salesforce ecosystem that allows sales teams to get real-time AI-driven tailored recommendations. The integration uses customer data across all Salesforce’s industry solutions, including Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Financial Services Cloud.

Here are a few scenarios of how Revenue Grid and Salesforce Genie integration can empower sales teams with real-time actionable AI-driven Revenue Signals:

  • Proactive sales based on website analytics – sales reps receive actionable Revenue Signals about key customer website activities, enabling them to generate sales through tailored follow-ups and targeted messaging, such as reaching out when a customer views a pricing page.
  • Improvement of the sales process for customers on a free trial – sales reps receive actionable Revenue Signals about a user’s behavior during a trial, such as completing a certain task, reaching a specific milestone, or showing interest in a particular product function. This can help the sales rep to offer the relevant product features that will guide the customer to the final purchase.
  • Upselling – sales reps proactively upsell specific services based on the actionable Revenue Signals they get. For example, in the automotive industry, sales reps will receive an immediate notification to schedule a service after the client’s vehicle reaches a certain number of kilometers.

“With Revenue Grid and Salesforce Genie integration, sales teams can identify which customers to engage with in real-time, what are the individual requirements of each customer, and what is their next best action to win the deal,” said Vlad Voskresensky, co-founder and CEO of Revenue Grid. “Actionable Revenue Signals is the powerful instrument to help sales teams close gaps, follow the process, and address a deal at risk before it falls through.”

About Revenue Grid

Revenue Grid is a revenue intelligence platform that helps businesses identify and prevent revenue leaks at any stage of the revenue generation process. Revenue Grid fights revenue leaks by automatically capturing all relevant sales activities, analyzing data with AI, implementing changes to sales processes with Revenue Signals, and measuring the effectiveness of those changes. Organizations as diverse as Hilton, Western Union, Moody’s, Trip Advisor, Red Cross, and Robert Half have chosen Revenue Grid, thanks to its customizability and enterprise-readiness. Revenue Grid is a private company headquartered in Atlanta, GA. To learn more, visit revenuegrid.com.

About Salesforce Genie Customer Data Cloud

Salesforce Genie is a new, hyperscale real-time data service that turns data into customer magic, delivering seamless, highly personalized experiences across sales, service, marketing, and commerce that continuously adapt to changing customer information and needs in real time.
