Salesforce and Email & Calendar integration for Financial Services

Revenue Grid is the leading enterprise-level integration between Salesforce Financial and Sales Cloud and your Outlook or Gmail. Customizable, secure, flexible, and developed specifically for the Financial sector

Trusted by top companies in the Financial world

The most secure integration for the Financial Sector

Need email and calendar integration for Salesforce that meets your organizations stringent security requirements?
You’re in the right place. Revenue Grid offers the most secure, customizable integration available.

Secure on-prem deployment

On-premises and private cloud deployment available


Scale up to 100K users with stable performance

Multi-geo support for Office 365

Multi-geo tenant Microsoft Exchange supported

Lightning Scheduler Adapter

Full support of Lightning Scheduler functionality

Full support of Community licenses

All Salesforce Community licenses supported

Financial Cloud

Specifically designed for Salesforce Financial Services Cloud

customer support

Speedy resolutions to any request


SOC 2, ISO 27001, and GDPR certified or compliant

Everything your financial institution needs

Automatically capture data to Salesforce, access and manage it directly from your Inbox, sync your Salesforce and Outlook or
Google Calendars. The best part? You can customize everything to the way you run it at your organization

Auto-capture every customer interaction your way

Save time on data entry without compromising on security or your
organization’s data model. No missing data, no inaccuracies

  • Complete customizability to fit your unique needs
  • The fastest data sync on the market
  • Historical sync, multi-matching, support for all custom objects
10h+ saved per rep per week



Get the most secure integration solution on the market

Deploy Revenue Grid and rest assured that your captured data will stay safe without ever leaving your sight

  • On-prem or single-tenant cloud deployment available
  • Revenue Grid does not store customer PII data
  • MS Graph support for granular data access
SOC 2, GDPR, ISO 27001

Avoid conflicting scheduling with
Lightning Scheduler Adapter

Keep Salesforce and Outlook or Gmail calendars in sync in real-time so that scheduled appointments always match—everywhere

  • Sync all business-related events without a hitch
  • Insert clickable time-slots in your email for easier scheduling
  • Share your availability via link and save time on scheduling
10h+ saved per rep per week


Get accurate reporting in SFDC

All data captured by Revenue Grid is completely reportable in Salesforce so your team can build reports for important
metrics like customer engagement, sales activity, and communication data


Revenue Grid is the best solution to connect Salesforce Financial
and Sales Cloud with your Email and Calendar on-premises

See Revenue Grid
in action

  • Sales


  • Innovator


  • Recognized
    by Gartner


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