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SAP Cloud for Customer Server-Side Integration:
Latest Release Notes and Knowledge Base Updates


2402 Release Notes


1. Switch between the new and legacy User Settings / Groupware Settings user interface
Implemented the new Groupware Settings (Admin UI) and User Settings (User UI) interface. Now, users can switch to the updated interface by switching the corresponding switch button in User Settings and Groupware Settings. Note that not all functionality is already supported in the Beta user interface. Additionally, some known issues still exist and will be addressed shortly.

The updated Groupware Settings (Admin UI) interface:
The updated User Settings (User UI) interface:


If when switching between the new and legacy UI, you get the “Access denied”, reload the page to address this issue and continue the switching between the interface versions.

2. Moving to Deleted Items is now the default delete mode
Moving Contact, Account, Task, or Calendar Event to the Deleted Items is set as the default behavior when an item is deleted from the mail server by synchronization.

3. Enhanced Sales Units and Sales Organizations filtering
Improved Sales Units and Sales Organization filtering so that search works as expected in appropriate fields.

4. Optimized requests to SAP Cloud for Customer API for recurring event updates
Reduced number of OData requests to the SAP Cloud for Customer API on updating recurring events.

2402 Bugfixes

  1. Ensured that Opportunity search results sorting in the Add-In works according to the Add-In settings (Profile).
  2. Recurring events processing fix: ensured that synchronization of recurring events with monthly pattern “first/last ” functions as expected.


The update also includes several minor bugfixes, UX/UI improvements, as well as customer-specific updates.


2311-2401 Release Notes

2311-2401 New features and improvements

1. Added expiration period for sync issues
Implemented an expiration period for Sync issues on the list in the Admin panel, to improve troubleshooting focusing and reduce CRM API calls generation. Now, if a contact or event sync issue is not resolved by the end of the set expiration period (14 days), it’s removed from the Sync issues list.

2. Improve working with not-accepted meetings
Added the possibility to configure how SSI handles not accepted meeting invites. Now, events in the user’s calendar they haven’t yet accepted can be saved and synchronized to SAP Cloud for Customer, similar to events they have accepted. This feature can be enabled or disabled in Sync Settings.

3. Implemented the support of Summary Attachments
Implemented the support of the “Summary” attachment type. Now, attachments of this type can be synchronized from the CRM to the mailbox, but attachments from the mailbox to the CRM can be synced as “Standard file” attachments only.

4. Enhanced UX when all objects are disabled for syncing
Improved the Add-In behavior when all objects are disabled for synchronization in the Sync Profile. Now, users see a relevant message about no objects selected for syncing and can address the issue independently.

5. Enhanced disabling users for admins
Ensured that admins can disable users (without deleting them) on one tenant and provision them to another tenant, or set up the same mailbox for another user without deleting the first one.

6. Optimized tenant reprovisioning procedure
Tenant administration improvement: ensured that tenant can be re-provisioned right after the minimal allowed time span (on the same day) after being deleted. Previously, the re-provisioning could be done only on the next day after deleting a tenant.

7. Microsoft changes of callback token format is now supported
Implemented the support of Microsoft changes of callback token format. Now, it’s used as a user email source.

2311-2401 Bugfixes

  1. Fixed an issue related to the new “Back” button in the Add-In: after saving an email to an object and clicking the “Back” button, the “Save this item” button on related objects would not get changed to “Item was saved”. Now, the “Back” functions as expected.
  2. Fixed an issue where a Contact could be linked to a Visit, Appt, or PhoneCall twice.
  3. Addressed an issue where tags in the Activity description field were not synchronized. Now, such tags are converted to plain text and synced as expected.
  4. Resolved an issue where after clicking the “Back” button using Search in the Add-In, only the last pinned card would appear on the main screen in the Add-In.
  5. Resolved an issue where umlauts in emails were incorrectly handled when saved to the CRM using the Add-In.
  6. Fixed an issue where a user could not link an e-mail message to a phone call searched in the Add-In.
  7. Fixed an issue when instant synchronization stopped working if the admin was working in non-English localization in SAP Cloud for Customer while creating the notification events.
  8. Fixed an issue where adding a recipient using the “Add as recipient” option in the Add-In would not result in actually adding the recipient’s email address to the recipients list in Gmail.
  9. Fixed a Chrome Extension issue where users could not link an e-mail message to a ticket.
  10. Addressed a customer-specific issue where a Visit could not be synced to SAP Cloud for Customer due to an invalid internal ID passed in Sales Organization field via Custom Properties. This caused an error on saving events.
  11. Fixed an issue where the Lead object general search was limited by a filter for related items.
  12. Addressed an issue which occurred on the attempt to save an e-mail several times when the Add-In was pinned in MS Outlook for desktop.
  13. Fixed an issue with moving optional attendees to the required ones on a single event occurrence update.
  14. Fixed the”Web site” field pre-filling on creating new Accounts from the Add-In.


The update also includes several minor bugfixes, UX/UI improvements, as well as customer-specific updates.


2309-2310 Release notes

Released on: September 21, 2023 and October 17, 2023


2309-2310 New features and improvements

1. Search records more effectively in the Add-In

Improved the Add-In search algorithm: now, users see more records when searching for them using the Search Bar.

2. Identify manually and automatically created recurring events

Implemented a special field for determining whether a Recurring Activity was created manually or by the groupware integration.

3. Get notified if your admin has disabled saving of events to which you haven’t responded yet

If admin disabled saving of events to which users haven’t responded yet, users see a relevant info message in the Add-In.

2309-2310 Bugfixes

1. Resolved a UI issue where the Create New Record button would be missing on the Contact Duplicates Check dialog in some locales. Additionally improved the user flow in the Contact Duplicates Check dialog.

2. Improved calendar items saving flow in the Add-In: now, if any issues occur with recording the linking rules, the “SAP Cloud for Customer” category is not assigned to such a calendar item.

3. Addressed an issue where the reference field values were not displayed correctly in the Related Items section in Appointment details in the Add-In.

4. Ensured that the collapsing and expanding of pinned objects in the Add-In functions as expected.

5. Ensured that it is impossible to save meeting invitation email messages to the CRM. Previously, such service emails could be saved to CRM.


The update also includes several minor bugfixes, UX/UI improvements, as well as customer-specific updates.



2308 Release notes

Released on: August 19, 2023


2308 New features and improvements

1. Configure how Appointments are searched in Add-In

Added the possibility to configure the Appointment search parameters in the Profile Add-In settings. Now, you can allow or disallow the Appointments search and select “Search by” fields as implemented for other SAP objects.

2. Save not responded events to SAP Cloud for Customer

Added the possibility to configure how SSI handles events without response. Now, events in your calendar you haven’t yet responded to can be saved and synchronized to SAP Cloud for Customer, similar to events you have accepted. This feature can be enabled or disabled by your admin.

3. Improved error messages when the admin tries to delete some user

Now, when the admin deletes a user and meets an error due to a user authentication problem, the error message contains a detailed description of how to fix the error or alternative ways to delete the user.

2308 Bugfixes

1. Fixed an issue related to changing the email address of the Contact who is an attendee of Appointment, Visit, or Phone Call object: ensured that updates to events with this Contact will be sent to their new email address.

2. Fixed an issue when instant synchronization stopped working if the admin applied a non-English localization in SAP Cloud for Customer for the notification events.


The update also includes several minor bugfixes, UX/UI improvements, as well as customer-specific updates.



2307 Release notes

Released on: July 22, 2023


2307 New features and improvements

1. Search for Appointments in the Add-In

Added the possibility to search for SAP Appointment objects directly in SSI. Now, you can easily find the needed Appointment using the Search SAP records tool at the top of the Add-In. Also, you can configure the Appointment search parameters in the Profile Add-In settings.

2. Pin the Appointment object card in the Add-In

Implemented the possibility to pin the Appointment object card in the Add-In to have it at hand and save time on searching for the necessary Appointment.

3. SSI remembers the state of the pinned cards

Improved the interaction with object cards pinned in the Add-In: now, SSI remembers the last state of each object card, either collapsed or expanded. When you reload or reopen the Add-In, the state of the pinned cards will stay the same.

2307 Bugfixes

1. Fixed an issue when synchronization of too large attachments resulted in a sync failure. Now, when SSI tries to sync too large attachments, synchronization skips such files, creates a corresponding sync issue, and continues to run the synchronization session.

2. Fixed an issue when working with SSI on iPhone mobile devices: ensured that the Open is SAP button works as expected, i.e., redirects to the corresponding record in SAP Cloud for Customer.


The update also includes several minor bugfixes, UX/UI improvements, as well as customer-specific updates.



2306 Release notes

Released on: June 17, 2023


2306 New features and improvements

1. Save and synchronize private recurring events to SAP Cloud for Customer

Added the possibility to save and sync private recurring events to SAP Cloud for Customer in the same way as non-recurring private events. The synchronization (autosaving) of private recurring events is configurable in SSI and can be turned on or off by our Support team upon request.

Learn more about saving and syncing events…

2. Improved the process of activity sharing

Optimized the activity saving and syncing processes. Now, the sharing algorithm is more clear, ensuring better system stability and consistency of linking operations.

The update also includes several minor bugfixes, UX/UI improvements, as well as customer-specific updates.



2305 Release notes

Released on: May 20, 2023


2305 New features and improvements

1. Remove your corporate domain from the blocklist

Added the possibility to remove the company’s corporate domain from the blocklist to allow SSI to parse and process internal correspondence the same way as external ones. Previously, users could not remove their corporate domain from the blocklist.

Learn more about using blocklist…

2. Pin the Ticket object card in the Add-In

We implemented the possibility to pin the Ticket object card in the Add-In to have it at hand and save time on searching for the necessary Ticket.

3. Configure how SSI Synchronization deletes objects from the mailbox

Added the possibility to delete Contacts, Accounts, Individual Customers, Tasks, Appointments, Visits, and Phone Calls from the mailbox by moving to the Deleted Items folder instead of permanent (hard) deletion. Also, this feature can be configured per each object type, and the permanent (hard) delete option is set in SSI Sync by default.

Note that this feature is only supported on Exchange and Office 365 mailboxes.

4. Improved Calendar items saving and linking process

Ensured that SSI will save the calendar item and link it with the specified SAP objects even if the user closes Add-In right after clicking the Save button and doesn’t wait for the notification that the item will be saved.

5. Improved E-Mail saving process

Ensured that the field Sent On in the E-Mail object is filled with the relevant data when saving e-mail messages to SAP Cloud for Customer via Add-In.

6. Improved error notification in SSI Add-In

Ensured that Add-In shows notification about an error if any happens on SAP Cloud for Customer side and impacts SSI operability.

2305 Bugfixes

1. Fixed an issue with the create dialog for Appointment, Visit, and Phone Call in Add-In running in MS Outlook with Internet Explorer web control. Previously, create dialog did not appear when a user tried creating mentioned objects in Add-In.

2. Fixed instant sync issue: ensured that instant synchronization works as expected when a user creates or updates a Phone Call object in SAP Cloud for Customer.

3. Fixed an issue when a user tried searching for a Product in the create Ticket dialog, the search did not work and showed an error message. Now, the search for a Product works as expected.


The update also includes several minor bugfixes, UX/UI improvements, as well as customer-specific updates.



2304 Release notes

Released on: April 22, 2023


2304 New features and improvements

1. Improved the logic of Location data synchronization for Visits

Improved the general logic of syncing Location data for cases when there are two Location fields for Visit in SAP Cloud for Customer and only one Location field in the mail client calendar. Moreover, if both Location fields in SAP are filled, after sync, both locations will appear in an event Location field in the mail calendar divided by delimiter “/-/-/”.

Also, ensured that no updates are sent out to the attendees when SSI Sync makes system changes to the event, e.g. adds a delimiter.

2. Improved “Keep Accounts Read-Only” feature

Improved the behavior of the “Keep Accounts Read-Only” feature. Now, ensured that no Accounts and their related objects created in MS Outlook get affected by synchronization when the feature is enabled. Previously, SSI Sync could make changes to these records in Outlook to reflect only relevant data from SAP Cloud for Customer.

3. Optimized implementation of activity sharing process

Improved system implementation of activity sharing. Now, the linking algorithm is more clear, allowing to resolve and link activity participants without additional or unexpected difficulties.

2304 Bugfixes

1. Ensured that SSI Chrome extension icon do not disappear from the side panel when opening event details in Google Calendar. Previously, SSI icon may be unavailable on the event details dialog after some Google updates.

2. Ensured that the invitation/update is sent out automatically to all meeting attendees in Exchange when you add a new attendee to the corresponding event in SAP Cloud for Customer.

3. Fixed the color of the “SAP Cloud for Customer” category in MS Outlook, ensuring it is green. Previously, an update of some Exchange versions affected the color range and changed the “SAP Cloud for Customer” category color to dark olive.

4. Required Subject field behavior fix: ensured that if the Subject field is required and not filled with data, you are unable to create and save a Ticket via Add-In.


The update also includes several minor bugfixes, UX/UI improvements, as well as customer-specific updates.



2303 Release notes

Released on: March 18, 2023


2303 New features and improvements

1. Improved authorization flow to SAP Chrome Extension for Gmail

Implemented seamless login process to SAP Chrome extension for Gmail. Previously, you needed manually copy the TenantURL and paste it into the Chrome extension. Now, during authorization in User Settings, the system detects your current TenantURL and automatically sets it for your SAP Chrome extension for Gmail.


Once your SAP Cloud for Customer for Gmail extension is updated to version 2302.12.0.51, it will be disabled.
To re-enable it, accept the additional permissions to read and change your data on all and sites.

Note that this affects only already active SSI users

2. Improved functionality of “Saving this item to SAP…” dialog

Now, while saving calendar items via the Add-In, you can select only the record types available in the drop-down list (manual entering is no longer available). This improvement ensures that the relevant event record type will be saved to the SAP Cloud for Customer.

2303 Bugfixes

1. Ensured that the Account field is prefilled on a New Phone Call card in the Add-In when creating a record via Contact card > ···· (More) icon > New Phone Call.

2. E-mail attachment saving fix: ensured that while saving an e-mail with only one file attached, Add-In handles and saves the attachment to SAP as expected.


The update also includes several minor bugfixes, UX/UI improvements, as well as customer-specific updates.



2302 Release notes

Released on: February 18, 2023


2302 New features and improvements

1. Polish and Italian localizations added to Server-Side Integration

Now, Server-Side Integration supports Polish and Italian user interface localizations in the product. See the full list of available languages and learn more about SSI localization configuring.

2. Select where to save attachments in SAP Cloud for Customer

Now, while saving e-mail with attachments to SAP via the Add-In, you have one extra option where to save the attached files. The new option allows you to save attachments to both the selected SAP object and e-mail in addition to saving only to the SAP object or only to the e-mail.

3. Pin the Lead object card in the Add-In

We implemented the possibility to pin the Lead object card in the Add-In to have it at hand and save time on searching for necessary Lead object.

4. Automatic prefilling of day/time fields for SAP objects in the Add-In

We improved the prefilling of day/time fields for Appointments, Visits, Phone Calls, and Tasks in the Add-In with day and time data according to the user’s calendar time zone. Note that this feature is implemented only for Start, End, and Due date/time fields.

5. Auto-provisioning users in SAP Cloud for Customer by the e-mail domain name

We implemented the functionality to auto-provision users by the e-mail domain name. Now, Admins can specify a particular domain name to auto-provision SAP Cloud for Customer users with the same e-mail domain name.

Learn more about configuring SSI by Admin…

2302 Bugfixes

1. Ensured that all Add-In’s buttons translations are displayed according to the selected SSI localization.

2. Improved a message shown to users when they save events via the Add-In. Now, the message provides more information on the saving process: “This item will be saved to SAP at the next synchronization. Please save and close it before synchronization so that the item is linked to selected objects.

3. Resolved an issue where the buttons Blocklist this person and Blocklist this e-mail domain were enabled for the already blocklisted Contacts. Now, these buttons are inactive (greyed out) if a person or domain is in the blocklist.


The update also includes several minor bugfixes, UX/UI improvements, as well as customer-specific updates.