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How to Obtain SAP Cloud for Customer Metadata



In some cases, our support team can ask you to provide SAP Cloud for Customer metadata for the troubleshooting analysis.

Metadata is an XML data file, the main source of objects and fields configuration for Server-Side Integration. Inspection of field definitions in metadata can help our team to investigate and handle issues associated with discrepancies between SAP Cloud for Customer and Server-Side Integration.


Learn more about Metadata XML in this Microsoft article


The following guide will help you to obtain SAP Cloud for Customer metadata for further analysis.



Method 1 – obtain metadata directly from tenant

To obtain SAP Cloud for Customer metadata directly from the tenant, you need to open the corresponding Metadata URL in your web browser.

1. Open SAP Cloud for Customer in your web browser

2. Copy the following part of the URL to the clipboard:


3. Paste the copied part after your tenant URL in the web browser and press Enter on the keyboard to retrieve metadata. Example of the resulting URL:

https://[your tenant URL]/sap/c4c/odata/v1/c4codataapi/$metadata?sap-label=true

4. Once the page is fully loaded, copy the SAP Cloud for Customer metadata and save it to a new XML file



Method 2 – obtain metadata from sync logs

Another way to obtain SAP Cloud for Customer metadata is to extract it from the downloaded sync logs. Refer to this article to learn how to collect Server-Side Integration logs.


To collect SSI logs, you need to have a Key User (administrator) SAP Cloud for Customer account


Once you have downloaded the SSI logs, proceed with the following steps to extract SAP Cloud for Customer metadata:

1. Open the downloaded logs and go to Logs > C4C_Dump > ConnectorGeneric_0

2. Open the 000_Initialize_c4codataapi.txt file and find the logged metadata under HTTP Response

Click to see a screenshot

3. Copy the SAP Cloud for Customer metadata and save it to a separate XML file



Please note that metadata is cached by the sync engine, so it might not be available in every sync log