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How Calendar Items Are Processed in SSI


SAP Cloud for Customer SSI offers a convenient automated workflow for calendar items processing based on server-side synchronization, effectively mirroring your MS Exchange / Office 365 / Gmail and SAP Cloud for Customer calendars, with a small number of non-mirrored exceptions.

Synchronization of MS Exchange / Office 365 / Gmail calendar items – meetings, appointments, all-day events – is performed by SAP Cloud for Customer SSI Sync on sync sessions which are carried out every 30 minutes on server-side, unless insta-sync is triggered (see the Meetings section below).


All MS Exchange / Office 365 calendar item types (Appointments, Meetings, and All-day Events), can be synchronized as SAP Cloud for Customer Visits by SSI, if you choose that


Also, SSI can save and synchronize private calendar events (including the recurring ones) to SAP Cloud for Customer. The synchronization (autosaving) of private recurring events is configurable in SSI and can be turned on or off by our Support team upon request.

Calendar items can be saved with the following objects: Individual Customer, Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Ticket, optionally Sales Orders or Sales Quotes, Tasks, E-Mails.



Syncing MS Exchange calendar items


To synchronize an MS Exchange / Office 365 appointment with SAP Cloud for Customer calendar:

  • Right-click the Appointment in your MS Exchange / Office 365 calendar
  • Select Categorize > SAP Cloud for Customer category; or, to sync the Appointment as a Visit in SAP Cloud for Customer, assign it the Visit category


An Appointment marked this way will be synchronized with your SAP Cloud for Customer calendar on the following sync session (within 1-30 minutes). As long as the category remains on the appointment, any future updates made to the Appointment in either MS Outlook Desktop / On the Web or SAP Cloud for Customer will be mirrored on the other side.


Disregard the custom categories Account, Error in SAP Cloud for Customer SSI, Individual Customer when dealing with calendar items, these are used for syncing Contacts




The procedure to get a meeting synchronized in SAP Cloud for Customer is the same as for appointments, but they are synced within 1-3 minutes, via insta-sync, which forces a sync session to run after a meeting assigned the custom SAP Cloud for Customer SSI category is created, updated, or deleted.



All-day Events

The procedure to get a meeting synchronized in SAP Cloud for Customer is the same as for appointments and meetings. All-day Events are synchronized within 1-30 minutes (no insta-sync applied). An All-day Event’s duration should be less or equal to 24 hours for SAP Cloud for Customer SSI to process it.



Syncing Google calendar items

Working with Google calendar items, SAP Cloud for Customer SSI for Gmail extension creates a dedicated SAP Appointments Calendar and a SAP Visits Calendar in Gmail calendar, which are used to synchronize your Gmail events with SAP Cloud for Customer as Appointments or Visits.



Syncing SAP Cloud for Customer calendar items

When syncing Visits from SAP Cloud for Customer to MS Exchange calendar, you can select which (Organizer or Owner) calendar they should be saved.

  • Go to E-Mail Integration (1) > Groupware Settings (2) > Settings (3)
  • Find Sync Visit To: feature in the E-Mail Configuration section
  • Select Organizer or Owner to define the calendar


Note that this feature is applicable only to Visits syncing. SAP Cloud for Customer Appointments are synced strictly to Organizer’s calendar.